Sunday, October 4, 2009


ahhhh... sweet sweet holidays!
wanna know how i spent them?!?! no? well i'm gonna tell u anyway so deal with it! lol
FRIDAY NIGHT: nothing...and it was good!
SATURDAY: nothing...yay
SUNDAY: went to supre with megz to buy tops for gym!
MONDAY: cleaned my room and other cleaning related things
TUESDAY: went to the city and movies with janelle, moretta and martin
WEDNESDAY: royal show with my bestie sarah! and Hannah matthews! xx
THURSDAY: i went to sizzlers with my gym buddies dim, megz and leanne and then we went to gallaz so i could play with the toys at toys-r-us
FRIDAY: jacinta slept over because we wanted to have a merlin marathon...but most of the time we watched viva la bam
SATURDAY: MOSCOW CIRCUS BITCHES! it was the best ever!
SUNDAY: babysat jasmine :)

so that was my first week of school more to go!

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